Kathleen Ganley Commits To Supporting Workers, Their Rights And Their Voices, By Abolishing Bill 32

"We should be promoting the voices of Alberta workers, not invoking laws to silence them"

"Bill 32 silences the voices of workers. In our democracy, any group can come together and advocate for what is important to them — from moms fighting for their kids, to communities fighting to keep their water free from coal, but not Alberta workers, at least not according to the UCP.

At a time when more and more workers are falling farther behind, telling workers they cannot act together to advocate for decent wages is undemocratic. I am committed to building an economy that works for people — we should be promoting the voices of Alberta workers, not invoking laws to silence them."

Ganley has already committed to increasing the minimum wage, expanding access to unions and bargaining, and ending double-breasting.

"Getting rid of Bill 32 helps us restore fairness for workers. It is a critical step towards ensuring the economy works for everyone," she said.