Kathleen Ganley Pledges Public Auto Insurance To Lower Costs For Alberta Drivers

"The time for kowtowing to private insurance companies is over"

Alberta NDP Leadership candidate Kathleen Ganley has a plan to drive down auto insurance costs for Albertans by introducing a public option.

“Albertans are paying the highest auto insurance premiums in the country," Ganley said. “Across most of Western Canada — British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba — the public is benefiting from lower auto insurance rates because there is a public option. It’s time for Albertans to see the same benefit.

“Let’s drive down insurance rates for families. The time for kowtowing to private insurance companies is over.”

Car insurance premiums have increased by more than 30 per cent since the UCP took office and a series of reports in recent years have made it clear Albertans among the highest premiums in Canada, with an average annual cost of $3,151. Some car insurance companies, meanwhile, have seen profits triple.

"Private profits soar and Alberta families are forced to park their vehicle because they can’t afford the insurance to keep it on the road — that’s bad for the economy,” Ganley said.

Ganley would extend ATB Financial’s mandate into the insurance market to offer the public option.

“ATB has an extensive network, is widely trusted by Albertans and is well-placed to provide competitive rates for drivers,” she said.

Ganley has also committed to cutting taxes for low- and middle-income families and putting a stop to price gouging on electricity bills. More details on all her ideas can be found here: TeamGanley.ca/Policies

“I hear from people everyday who can’t afford the basics and I am committed to real action to address it,” she said.