Kathleen Ganley Welcomes Tens of Thousands of New Members To Alberta NDP

Ganley Thrilled To See Huge Growth In Home Riding & Across Province

The following can be attributed to Alberta NDP leadership candidate Kathleen Ganley:

“The Alberta NDP membership is now 85,144 members!

“This is incredible. Congratulations to all fellow leadership campaigns and welcome to tens of thousands of new members. I am also so thrilled to also announce that Calgary-Mountain View, my riding, now has more than 3,500 members and is the largest Alberta NDP membership in the province!

Team Ganley continues to grow across Alberta as we put forward real, concrete ideas that speak to the economic challenges facing people. Our ideas can change hearts and minds.

To the thousands and thousands of undecided Alberta New Democrats out there, I am offering a different kind of leadership. Make no mistake — I will make the case against Danielle Smith, but I am also the leader to make the case for us.

My offer to you is this — let’s do this together. Let’s talk and share and build a party that reflects us all. When we work together that is how we win together.”